D005 → Driving the Parkway

September–October 2023

A fragmentary catalog designed to echo my memories of driving down the Blue Ridge Parkway. This interactive design moves from an external to internal environment; the sleeve represents the road and landscape, the tray symbolizes the car interior, and the artifacts within the tray symbolize my recalled sensory experiences.

Once I decided that I wanted the viewers to have an interactive, layered experience of these memories, I began to concentrate on the form. I settled on fragmentary artifacts of slightly different shapes which could be grabbed in any order, and reorganized in different ways within the tray. I wrote out which experiences each artifact would represent: the breeze rushing through the car windows, the way your body sways as you wrap around the curves of the road, the fresh and earthy smell of dew, the swathes of dimensional blue and green as the mountains run into the earth, and the sound of crickets and cicadas. Next, I assembled a color palette and collected imagery and documents from the Blue Ridge Parkway archive. Finally, I began sketching and making to come up with the thumbnails you see above. 

Typeset in PT Mono and Akkurat.